Gym Workout Schedule

Updated page: Gym Workout Schedule

I posted this gym workout schedule page for easy access for myself.

Healthy Protein Bar Recipe

Here’s the protein bar recipe I use.

Main Workout Schedule

For a very efficient full body workout, one or two workouts a week.

  • Use variations of each exercise occasionally.
  • Minimum one workout day per week.
Day 1
Day 2
Squats (or Leg Press / Single Leg Press and Bulgarian Split Squats) Deadlift (or Hex Bar Deadlift or Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift / Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift)
Pull-Ups (Wide / Close & Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull) Push-Ups (plus Close & Decline / Standing Single Dumbbell Shoulder Press)
Core (Hanging Leg Raises / Planks) Bench Press (Flat Bench w/Bar or Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press) / Forward Dips

Alternate Extended Workout Schedule

This workout schedule covers all of the best exercises for all of the major muscle groups, with the goal of covering them all over about 6 workout days.  Each workout day should take about 45 minutes from the time you walk in, to when you walk out.

  • Days 5 and 6 can be combined
  • Day X can be done anytime (I typically do it on Day 4)
  • Make sure to do 10-15 minutes cardio AFTER workout
  • Click on an exercise for more info
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Legs Chest Back
Squats Incline Dumbbell Press Deadlifts
Leg Curl (lying or sitting) Dumbbell Flyes Pullups (wide-grip)
Barbell Glute Bridge Pushups (weighted) One-Arm Dumbbell Row
Calf Raises (any variation) Dips (lean forward) Standing Dumbbell Upright Row / Face-pull
Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Shoulders Triceps Biceps
Seated Dumbbell Press Dips Chin-ups (close-grip)
Dumbbell Side to Front Raise Cable Pushdown (Rope or Bar) Barbell Curls (wide-grip)
Standing Palms-In Dumbbell Press Close-Grip Bench Press Incline Hammer Curls
Day X
Landmine 180s / Pallof Press
TRX Suspended Fallout
Hanging Oblique Knee Raise

Alternate Shorter Workout Schedule

For a faster 3-day repeating workout schedule:

Day 1
Day 2 Day 3
Chest / Biceps
Back / Triceps Legs / Shoulders
Incline Dumbbell Press Deadlifts Squats
Dumbbell Flyes Pullups (wide-grip) Leg Curl (lying or sitting)
Pushups (weighted) One-Arm Dumbbell Row Barbell Glute Bridge
Dips (lean forward) Standing Dumbbell Upright Row / Face-pull Calf Raises (any variation)
Chin-ups (close-grip) Dips Seated Dumbbell Press
Barbell Curls (wide-grip) Cable Pushdown (Rope or Bar) Dumbbell Side to Front Raise
Incline Hammer Curls Close-Grip Bench Press Standing Palms-In Dumbbell Press
Day X
Landmine 180s / Pallof Press
TRX Suspended Fallout
Hanging Oblique Knee Raise

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